Beta thalassaemia

Genetic defects in beta globin causing anemia, HBB gene mutations.

Test description

Beta Thalassaemia is a recessive haematological disorder caused by defects in the production of the beta globin chain of the haemoglobin molecule, caused by mutations in the HBB gene. The severity of the disease depends on variations involved and their presence on one (heterozygous) or both (homozygous) alleles. Other laboratory finding can include microcytic, hypochromic anaemia, and a raised HbA2 on haemoglobin electrophoresis.

Test information

Test name

Beta Thalassemia

Clinical indication

To identify the underlying genetic cause in patients with haematological and laboratory evidence of thalassaemia, for diagnostic and reproductive planning purposes.


HBB for sequence variants and 619bp deletion variant


GAP PCR and Sanger sequencing

Turn around time

2 – 4 weeks

Medicare eligibility




Test request form

Standard pathology request form

Sample type


Collection type

6mL EDTA tube

Special instructions

Prior haematological evidence of thalassaemia (e.g. FBC and film, iron studies, Hb EPG) must be available prior to testing