Non-random chromosomal rearrangements are associated with different types of haematology-oncology neoplasms.
Cytogenetic investigation using a combination of technologies may assist in the diagnosis, prognosis and staging of the haematological malignancy. Conventional cytogenetic analysis Conventional chromosome analysis and targeted FISH are the premier tests for the investigation of haematological malignancies. The conventional chromosome study involves microscopic examination and screening of the whole genome at the cellular level to detect large genomic changes and chromosomal rearrangements that may be prognostic or diagnostic indicators in malignant disease.
Conventional Chromosomal Analysis (Karyotype) in Haematology
For diagnosis, classification and prognosis in haem-oncology
All chromosomes
Conventional chromosome analysis
Please call 1800 822 999 for pricing details if not Medicare eligible.
Standard pathology request form
*Doctor collect. Sample must be kept sterile and moist. DO NOT USE FORMALIN. USE ANTIBIOTIC TRANSPORT MEDIA available from the Histology Department of your local laboratory. For overnight transport cover large specimens with ANTIBIOTIC TRANSPORT MEDIA OR STERILE NORMAL SALINE and sent to your local laboratory IMMEDIATELY. Please indicate if specimen is to be shared with Histology.