Conventional Chromosome analysis (Karyotype) test in Paediatrics

Conventional chromosome testing is used for the investigation of chromosomal aneuploidies and rearrangements.

Test description

Conventional chromosome testing is the applicable for the investigation of syndromes such as Down syndrome, Turner Syndrome and reproductive health.

Conventional cytogenetic analysis involves the analysis of the whole genome at the cellular level to detect large genomic changes and chromosomal rearrangements. This test involves culturing white blood cells to produce metaphase spreads of chromosomes, from which slides are prepared and representative cells are captured into digital images.

Test information

Test name

Conventional Chromosome Analysis (Karyotype) in paediatrics

Clinical indication

For investigation of:

1. For the investigation of chromosomal aneuploidy and rare chromosomal rearrangements

2. Follow up testing where conventional analysis is required

3. Family studies


All Chromosomes


Conventional chromosome analysis

Turn around time

35 days

Medicare eligibility

If not MBS eligible, please contact 1800 822 999 for pricing details

Test request form

Standard pathology request form

Sample type


Collection type

10mL Lithium Heparin; For Difficult/Paediatric Collect: Min 1mL

Special instructions

Transport cooled or at room temperature