FISH test for NSCLC

Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) testing for ALK or ROS in NSCLC

Test description

Targeted FISH probes for NSCLC tissue to determine access to tepotinib.

Test information

Test name

FISH Testing for NSCLC

Clinical indication

Testing of non-small lung cancer tissue to determine eligibility for access to tepotinib under the PBS.


ALK (2p23), ROS1 (6q22.1)



Turn around time

1 week from receipt of slides

Medicare eligibility

73344 - ROS, 73341 - ALK - criteria apply


Please all 1800 822 999 if not Medicare eligible.

Test request form

Standard pathology request form.

Sample type

FFPE Tumour Tissue

Collection type


Special instructions

1 x H&E circled by a histopathologist (with the % tumour content indicated) plus 2-3 micron unstained sections on sticky (charged) slides.

For one probe: 6 slides

For multiple probes: 10 slides