Targeted Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) for high grade lymphoma
Targeted FISH to detect specific gene rearrangements in solid tumour, high grade lymphoma
High Grade Lymphoma FISH probes
For diagnosis, classification and prognosis in high-grade lymphoma
BCL2 (performed if MYC or IGH::MYC is detected)
BCL6 (performed if MYC or IGH::MYC is detected)
1 week from receipt of slides
Please contact 1800 822 999 for pricing details if not Medicare eligible
Standard pathology request form
FFPE Tumour Tissue
1 x H&E circled by a histopathologist (with the % tumour content indicated) plus 2-3 micron unstained sections on sticky (charged) slides.
For one probe: 6 slides
For multiple probes: 10 slides