Myelodysplastic syndrome FISH panel

Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) testing for Myelodysplastic syndrome

Test description

A targeted FISH panel to exclude common abnormalities with prognostic significance in Myelodysplastic syndrome

Test information

Test name

Myelodysplastic syndrome FISH panel

Clinical indication

For diagnosis, classification and prognosis in haem-oncology


Del(5q), Del(7q), CEP8, MLL(KMT2A), ETV6, Del(20q), EVI1(MECOM)



Turn around time

2 - 14 days

Medicare eligibility

77314 – criteria applies


If not MBS eligible, please contact 1800 822 999 for pricing details

Test request form

Standard pathology request form

Sample type

Bone marrow aspirate in lithium heparin tube

Collection type

Bone marrow

Special instructions

Doctor collect. No additional sample required. Test is performed with chromosome analysis.