Targeted FISH analysis in Neonates

FISH can be used to confirm the diagnosis of specific chromosomal syndromes

Test description

Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) can be used in conjunction with conventional or microarray analysis for the investigation of specific chromosomal syndromes. Available tests are listed below.

The suspected clinical condition for which testing is being sought must be included on the request form.

Test information

Test name

Targeted FISH for neonatal diagnosis of aneuploidy

Clinical indication

For neonatal diagnosis of suspected chromosomal syndromes


Chromosomes X , Y, 13, 18 and 21



Turn around time

2 days

Medicare eligibility

If not MBS eligible, please contact 1800 822 999 for pricing details

Test request form

Standard pathology request form

Sample type


Collection type

Min 1mL in 1 x paediatric Lithium heparin tube

Special instructions

Test is performed with conventional chromosome analysis. No additional sample required.